Friday, February 22, 2013


Now I feel like the Hermine Granger of Shaman Modern times. The world is so magical to me. I am being trained by a REAL Nagual and the teachings are a Dream. I feel like my mind is on the 5th level and everyone else is still suck on the 3rd.

I feel my dreams becoming reality around me and the spirit talks to me, more and more each day. The best part now is I have protectors! I have people and I feel them that are watching over me. I feel safe again in Gods light. No longer afraid of ANYTHING or anyone.

I feel the Inorganic beings around me just waiting to pop out if danger appears. Kinda like the TAKEN series that use to be on the Sci Fi channel. Guess what  .... ITS REALLY REAL AND HAPPENING. I am that freaky girl, which is fine because most people see me as Nuts and I laugh at them.

I thought I was nuts at first and then I realized I was just really super psychic and awake when everyone else is ...*snoring and asleep* hehe. People honk at me on the streets because I can wear mask and they believe I am whatever I project to them.

I love the world now and it is so much fun messing with the minds and the masses. God gave me the OK to do so! Inorganic beings rock btw. If you have ever seen a UFO then you know what I am talking about.

Its so hard to sleep at this time of the Day because I feel the Dreams becoming into this world and other people are so unaware but I am. I feel so much smarter now, that and I got supporters. Thank you

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