Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thoughts about the World

I have so much energy in my soul right now. I can barely sleep from all the butterflies in my stomach. The same feeling when you feel to excited to eat. It is a feeling that is so strong that I can't even sleep! I'm going to stay awake until I pass out.  My life has been a bumpy road for 24 years. I use to escape reality by sleeping and learning how to control my dreams.

In my dreams, I would be a singer spilling my guts on stage for the hole world to feel. I don't care about fame or even making it in the music world. I just love making people smile and feel loved in this world.

It is strange knowing how to love yet, never really being loved in return. I'm not sure if I'm loved yet, by the world but I still love the world. I can't hate the haters that still hate me. I live with love, peace, and light. That makes the haters mad but if they could understand that you make yourself happy & No one else can make you happy. They would be happy to, and Not Haters.

Most of the world is waiting for someone to make them happy. Happiness is really simple. People make it into a big deal by trying to follow the american dream or TV.

Normal people never understood me growing up, because I was different because I did view the world in a different light. That and I was always happy and horny. Life of a Nympho.

I see colors, auras, and spirits when they pass on. I thought everyone could see them growing up until I was in 4th grade and I realized I was far from normal.

I was told by many people that I have a gift from God. Up until now I have been trying to ignore it and hide it.I felt so alone in the world growing up, I would connect with this colorful world I could see with my eyes closed.

I was misunderstood and didn't have many friends growing up. The friends I did have, would get scared of me because lights would go out and paranormal things happened a lot. I can't control this ability nor do I want to. Maybe I have so much energy it affects electricity them sometimes. We are energy beings, and I know at times I have so much energy, I can feel it pulsing threw my soul.

Live is force, and force is energy and energy is what the world feeds off of to exist.
I watch people feed off each other everyday. Not like how Hollywood vampires do it but with greed and jealously and self worth.

I watch so many people suffer because they don't know how to be happy. No one can make you happy, and I can't make you happy. I can help make you happy by using the talents God gave me, but that's I can do.
You make yourself happy.
I have loved the world ever sense I was born into it. All I ever wanted to do, was please people. I have always wanted to be loved and cared for like everyone else.

I am not looking for love anymore because I found it in God. He is my lover and I am so happy right now.

People are recognizing me again and smiling. I smile back because all the depression I had is gone forever.

I feel into a deep dark depression for the last 9 years. The only person I cared for growing up died when I was 15 and my life spiraled downward.
I had to quit my opera training and Broadway training because I was on my own then and I had to get a job to support myself.

Growing up I had no knowledge that I had any condition that affected my Virginia. I saw many docs and none of them found anything.
I remember at 16 wanting to go to a swimming party but I was on my period and I was so tight I could not even get a tampon in. Tears started to fill my eyes and I pushed it in and hurt so bad, I had to stop.

After this happened I knew something was wrong but I thought it was because I was a virgin.
Honestly I thought I was a virgin when I lost my virginity last year. As a baby I don't remember the memories. So I still do consider myself a virgin to love.
I have never had passionate sex with someone who felt the same passion for me. At this point I don't care if I ever do because I don't need someone else's love to feel loved. I can close my eyes and see God. 

Colors beyond your wildest dreams.
I use to be afraid of being myself because I was so different. God protects me with his light, & I love being myself now. Finally
Karma works with me as well. Understand this, do onto others as they would do onto you. Try it once and see what happens. :) Works great in sex.

I feel myself changing again into what I use to be. Full of life, young at heart, wanting to express my love for God threw my art.

I cry tears of happiness now that I have been saved from all the hell that use to haunt my soul. SEX

I hope I can start healing the world by music, like I use to growing up. I would sing all the time, making up the worlds as I went.

I am happy life showed me what it did. I learned how to please people without sex for 22 years!
I could not keep a boyfriend because they could not understand why someone like me was not fucking them. That was really hard to do in my case. When you are considered a beautiful women and you can't have sex. Its unheard of! A nite mare that I just recently got out of. Nothing is worse then watching the men you love, leave you because you can't fuck them.

As powerful as I thought my love for them was, they could not see past my beauty. I use to try to make myself appear ugly so I did not have to worry about guys trying to fuck me.

Don't get me wrong, I wanted it, in the mind.
You see I am a truly a Nympho. Now I can finally be one! Before I was only a mental Nympho.

Yes was a Mental Nympho!

I learned how to train my mind so I could please guys by my sexual energy. I have powerful sexual energy and I can't wait to show you now that I can fuck.

As cool as being able to mind fuck people in a good way and suck a cock to a fuck beat. My inability to fuck really held me back in life.
You see, unlike most, I don't fuck for money. I fuck because I love to make whoever I am fucking feel good. To deny yourself pleasure because of what others think, is denying yourself of true happiness.
You can have a relationship with God and do porn. 

I know I am not going to hell because he is my lover and he is happy I am doing this.
You see, the world tries to ruin our sexual freedom and tries to keep us in a deep depression.

That is the biggest problem right now, with the world. The evil that is trying to take over the world is trying to limit our ability to love. All the sexual problems in the media should not be problems at all.

Sex is banned from everyone's eyes yet death, killing, & cancer isn't?

Sex is two people showing how much they care for each other.So why is it such a bad thing?

If you believe that you should only be with one person that is your choice. Love is not limited and I am not going to limit mine.

Don't feel guilty     Its OK

The evil has made the world the way it is today. Focusing on STUPID issues instead of Fixing the real problems.

They are blinding us all, to make us feel guilty for feeling attracted to more then one person. If you limit your love, then the love on earth is limited.
There is no perfect world, but this world could always be better place if we stopped for a moment and realized the world is the way it is because we created.

A world, where sex is bad, and war is great. A world where love is forgotten over greed. A world where having a nice car and house is what you work for. Instead of working on a better future for our race we are going into debt.

DEBT is fake. not real money. Debt was created to keep us enslaved. Making it so that people go in over their head. They knew people where going to lose the houses they took the loans out for. Nothing is easier to give away then Free money. Thing is, the money is not free. It comes with a price, and that price is control of your life. You forget the truly important things in life because you have to work harder for less.

Instead of focusing our energy on the Evil that the debt payments go to, stop paying them.

Each dollar you spend is their money. Even though you worked for it. Its not your money at the end of the day.

All the evil has to do is print more money so yours is worth less each day. Making you work longer, harder hours for less money. Keeping you in the monopoly.

We could have unlimited energy right now, but we don't because they love selling us $5.00 gas. The evil makes sure no one releases inventions because they don't want to loss all the money they make.
I have had friends that have died trying to save the world. I can't wait to be with God again, I no longer fear death.

Fearing death is something that will happen one day, is something you should not worry about.
You see, we can change the world if you want. There will always be evil in the world but it does not have to be like it is now.

The old days are not so bad. Growing your own garden is magical. Food costs will go down if we make a effort on trying to grow our own food if you can. Greenhouses are not that pricey & there is affordable options.

Instead of trying to make money off of people by positioning people with drugs. The evil made sure all the old healers have been killed and created a new modern Hell by creating drugs.

You hear the word CANCER all the time because they are implanting it in your subconscious. Making sure you fear it, so it causes it to happen.

There is a cure for ALL cancer and I have seen it. The evil has the cure but they don't want you to know about it. They want you to feel pain and suffer and go into debt on medical bills. They are the prices they are because no one does anything about it.

Not enough people are  standing up to it because they are afraid to die. Many have died trying to stop this evil and they are my brothers & sisters. I hope I can put a little light into the evil before its my turn.

They have blinded us all and they will keep doing it until we lose everything.The reason why they Third eye is on the dollar bill on the pyramid, is because you are being watched by evil if you use it! LIKE the lord of the RINGS.

You can have a clear, unclouded mind if you want, but the evil has made the world so busy, making as much money as possible. Blinded by the obsession to make money to buy things that will one day no longer be yours when you die.

Instead of helping our brothers and sisters and advancing our race, living in a CLEAN beautiful world, we are walking backwards.

People like me, who try to help it end up being hated by people who only care about themselves.
I have avoided death many times, because God speaks to me and tells me what to do.

I am doing what I can because I love you.
If you want the world to be the way like it is now. Don't do anything. If you do ever dream of a better world, It only takes a few actions to change it!

Money was created by evil and only a few profit from it. If evil was not controlling it, there would be different money companies printing money. More choices but there is only one.

The evil is taking choices away! Closing family stores because that's choice. Most of taxes goes to killing people. They do it plain sight so we don't see it happening.

I see people doing evil and not even aware that they are hurting others. They do what they are told because they don't want to get fired. So they don't question. They have a family to feed.

What is killing the people of this world is LAZINESS. Some people are lazy and don't want to do the right thing anymore. As much as I wish it would only affect them, it affects the everyone in the world.

We enjoy our easy access to food, our shinny cars and houses. The american dream is the devil in disguise.

Remember the visions of the future that has been shown to us in Hollywood. We can be there. Flying cars and ALL! All we have to do is stop letting them control us.

The evil would rather make money on the old world and keep it old.The evil does not want us to be happy or free. They want to control us all and they are doing a Perfect job at it.

Be prepared for more laws, rules, regulations and less freedom! Its coming unless You stand up and say No.

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