Friday, April 19, 2013


I had my first and last cigarette yesterday. A part of me wanted to try one because I have never tried one before. The result is something disturbing. 

I understand why people smoke all the time now, because when you smoke it gives you a short feeling of airlessness but then it goes away as fast as it arrives. Coming down from this feeling is worse then having the short five minute high. 

What I learned about cigarettes, is even more saddening. Why do people use them? To get away from the feelings, of course. The stress the culture places on us, helps the use of cigarettes grow.

Cigarettes gets rid of the feelings of fear and judgement. At first it feels good, but are the after affects worth it? 

They cost way to much money and they make you smell funny, I have come to find. They also trigger your mind into thinking you need one, all the time. I hate having urges like this.  

What is even sicker, is these are the things america sells the public. Instead of selling drugs that do nothing but promote peace, love and light, that are indeed illegal. 

Cigarettes and alcohol go hand in hand, they both take away feelings. Why are we as a nation so drawn to get high, smoke and drink?

This nation is fucked up! Instead of focusing our energy on love and helping each other, everyone is focused on themselves. They are focused on their greed and what they want.  

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